Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thankful November.

I am so addicted to Pinterest lately that I have not blogged in forever! I figure since it's November and Thanksgiving is next week I should make a post of the things I'm thankful for. This list could go on forever.

My husband (he's seriously the best, sorry to all the other ladies out there, but really, he is the best.)
My family (I'm so glad my family is my family, I'm so lucky)
My bed, a roof over my head, warm blankets and sweaters. Rain, sunshine, color, mountains and rivers, lakes and oceans. Technology, love, butterfly feelings, and just butterflies. Cupcakes and chocolate, tamales and pizza.
My friends. I am so fortunate to have some of the greatest friends a girl can ask for. Some I've known longer than others, but all of them are so special to me.
Bo, my dog. He's just a big sweetie. I love it when he sneaks into our room and falls asleep on the floor at the foot of our bed.
My job. Jade is such a cute girl and she teaches me so much, especially patience!
I'm really thankful for my Heavenly Father, and for my Savior. I have been blessed so much in my life, and I'm also thankful that I recognize all my blessings. It makes them that much sweeter. Everything I'm thankful for above is a part of my life because of my Heavenly Father. I'm thankful for church, and for the opportunity I have to work in the Temple with my husband. I'm thankful that my dad was able to be sober long enough for us to be sealed as a family just a few days before I was sealed to my wonderful husband for time and all eternity. I'm thankful for a healthy, functioning body. I'm thankful for the things I know. I'm thankful for fun things to look forward to that make the days fly by fast. I'm thankful for snow, for flowers, and for the good hearted people of the world. I hope everyone can remember to count their blessings and know that there is always something to be thankful for no matter your path, your life, and your trials.

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