Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Days!

I've felt so happy and blessed these last couple weeks. I've just been so calm and had this feeling of contentment. Its so nice to have that feeling because I've been so stressed lately. Nothing really in particular, I'm just a worrier. I worry all the time about all kinds of things, some of which I have no control over, and lately I haven't been worrying so much. Its really nice! I'm sure alot of it has to do with the fact that I can FINALLY go back to church. I had been working on Sundays for the last while and I finally got Sundays off. YAY! Its amazing how NOT being able to attend church can affect your life. You never realize how much you needed it until you don't have it!! Anyways, life is just GOOD. I can't explain it any other way. Matt is thoroughly enjoying his school, and I'm thoroughly enjoying my Phlebotomy class and I'm really looking forward to finding a job in that field. Anyways, now I'm done rambling. But I feel its important to write down times when you're happy, not just when bad things happen like I have a tendency to do. Then later I'll be able to look back when I'm having a particularly rough time and remember it will pass.

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