Saturday, October 25, 2014

100 Day Song Challenge

Days 3 and 4! Look, I'm not even a week into it and I've already missed a day! Haha.

Day 3--

A song that reminds you of a night out.

November 2005 driving around Long Island, NY with some of my new friends, listening to their music. It was the first time I'd heard this song. I didn't listen to a lot of pop music or top 40 at that time in my life.

Day 4-- A song you can remember your parents listening to.

I could definitely pick more than one for this day's challenge. My parent's listened to a lot of music while I was growing up and taught me a lot about music as well. I'll pick a favorite of mine...

The Who. One of the greatest rock bands of all time. Just look at that flowing, blonde, curly Jesus 'fro. In the words of my father, "You're welcome".

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