Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Fifteen.

Day 15:

Something I don't leave the house without. 

  I really try to never leave the house with out my cell phone. And not because I'm a person who is addicted to it and has to have it so I can txt and whatever but because I'm always afraid the day I leave my phone home, is the day I get into a car accident or run out of gas or my car breaks down, or I get locked out of it. So, I always try and have it with me. **True Story** When Matt and I were living in the basement of my grandparents old home, we left to go pick up a pizza. Matt drove. I grabbed my jacket and nothing else. No keys, no cell phone and we left the lights and tv on. Matt doesn't keep his house key with his car keys and so he didn't have his house key either and we were locked out. We couldn't call anyone, we didn't have our phones, so we couldn't call my parents to see if they still had an extra key... we ended up having to break out the window by the front door, and climbing in, then we had to pay almost two hundred to have it replaced. Annoying, so that's why I try and have it with me. 

 My keys. For the same reason I always have my phone. :)

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