Thursday, February 12, 2009

Matt is such sweetheart.  Matt's work has cut his hours because Smith's cut their hours.  He is no longer doing site checks, however they did allow him to keep his rate of pay (for the moment anyways).  So Matt has been off of work for the last three days, COUNT THEM 3 LADIES AND GENTS, but guess what?  They are making him work on Saturday, our first Valentines Day.  He called and tried to change so that he could work one of the last three days, but its a no go.  So we've celebrated our own Valentines Day both yesterday and today.  I was not feeling well tonight and he cooked an amazing dinner, and then lit candles, and wow, he's just been amazing.  This is by far my best Valentines Day so far even though Matt will have to work.  Then Saturday when he gets off I will take him to dinner and to a movie.  This is the first year I've been excited about Valentines Day! I LOVE IT! 

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